IQVIA Benefits Handbook
Your coverage begins on the first day you become eligible for the STD Plan, provided you are actively at work. If you are not actively at work because of injury or illness on the date your coverage would become effective, your coverage will begin on the date you return to work.
Coverage during a Family or Medical Leave of Absence
If you are on a family or medical leave of absence, IQVIA will continue to pay for your STD coverage for up to 12 weeks (or longer, if required by law) after the date your leave began.
Your leave authorization must be in writing. If approved, your family or medical leave of absence will end when the earliest of the following occurs:
  • Your leave ends before the agreed upon date.
  • Your leave ends on the agreed upon date.
  • You are no longer eligible for the plan.
  • The plan terminates.
If you become disabled during this time, your STD benefit will be based on your monthly earnings in effect just prior to the date your leave began.