IQVIA Benefits Handbook
Sick leave may be used for periodic illness or injury, or for the care of an immediate family member (parent, spouse or child) due to his or her illness or injury. Sick leave may also be used for doctor and dentist appointments, and must be taken in .25 hour increments for recording on the time reporting system using the appropriate sick leave attendance code. Sick days cannot be used indiscriminately.
You are responsible for notifying your supervisor of your absence as soon as possible on a sick day, and at least two hours before your expected start time. When a medical or dental appointment is scheduled, you should notify your supervisor as soon as the appointment has been made so that plans can be made to cover your work. Each day you are out sick (unless hospitalized or on an approved leave of absence) you are required to personally notify your supervisor before the beginning of the scheduled work day. For absences of three consecutive days or more, a physician's note substantiating your absence is required upon your return. IQVIA may require medical documentation for any employee absence. Physician's notes may not be completed by physicians that are family members of the employee requesting the leave as it might be perceived as a conflict of interest.
If, due to illness or injury, you are unable to return to work after the fifth (5th) consecutive business day; you are required to notify the IQVIA Disability carrier, Lincoln Financial at or by phone at 800-213-5608 to file a disability claim. In the event the absence qualifies for Family Medical Leave (FML), the days absent will be counted towards the employee's FML entitlement.
If you are hospitalized overnight during paid time off, you will receive sick pay instead of vacation or discretionary pay (if eligible), but only with a supporting physician statement.
While sick time is made available to employees, it is not to be abused, and ultimately it is the employee's responsibility to ensure that their work duties are being performed as required, provided that IQVIA will comply with statutory leave rights such as those provided under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or similar leave rights as provided by applicable law. Your supervisor is responsible for monitoring the number of sick days you take in any calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
Management will initiate a discussion with employees who have accumulated fifty (50) or more hours of sick time in a calendar year, to discuss the terms of this policy. Should you have a recurring health problem that may continue, information regarding other leave plans, such as FML, will be provided.
Excessive absenteeism occurs above eighty (80) hours of sick time, and may occur earlier, depending on the circumstances. The appropriate coding for sick time for absences above 80 hours will be decided on a case-by-case basis with Human Resources. These absences may be grounds for corrective action up to and including termination of employment. Managers should contact Employee Relations by opening a VIA ticket for assistance if an employee exceeds 80 hours of sick time in a calendar year.