IQVIA Benefits Handbook
If you become totally disabled while insured under this plan you may be eligible for continued life insurance coverage subject to premium payment. In continuing such coverage under this provision, IQVIA agrees to treat all employees equally. The life insurance benefit continued will be the amount in force on your life under this plan on the date you are no longer actively at work due to total disability, subject to any reductions provided by any part of the plan.
Dependent coverage will be continued during your period of total disability subject to premium payments. The amount of continued coverage for covered dependents will be the amount in force at the beginning of your total disability. The amount continued will not include any part of your life insurance that you converted to an individual policy unless you were totally disabled when you applied to convert; and you return the conversion policy to Lincoln without claim other than for a refund of the premiums you paid for it.
Your continued life insurance coverage under this provision will end on the earliest of the date when:
1. IQVIA determines you cease to be totally disabled;
2. you return to active employment;
3. the policy terminates;
4. premium payments stop;
5. you reach age 70;
6. the date you begin receiving a benefit from a retirement or pension plan; or
7. the date IQVIA classifies you as retired.
If continued life insurance coverage ends under this provision, you may convert your life insurance benefit as provided in the conversion privilege. Dependent coverage may be converted.
With respect to this provision, "total disability" or "totally disabled" means the complete inability, as a result of injury or sickness, to work at any job.