IQVIA Benefits Handbook
The AD&D Plan doesn't cover losses caused by, contributed to by, or resulting from:
- Suicide, or attempted suicide, while sane or insane.
- Self-inflicted injury while sane or insane.
- Active participation in a riot.
- Committing or attempting to commit a felony or misdemeanor.
- Controlled substances (as defined in Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 and all amendments) that are voluntarily taken, ingested or injected, unless as prescribed or administered by a physician.
- Boarding, leaving or being in or on any kind of aircraft. However, this exclusion will not apply if you are a fare paying passenger on a commercial aircraft or traveling as a passenger in any aircraft that is owned or leased by or on behalf IQVIA.
- Service on full-time active duty in the Armed Forces of any country or international authority.
- The presence of alcohol in the covered person's blood which raises a presumption that the covered person was under the influence of alcohol and contributed to the cause of the accident. The blood alcohol level is governed by the jurisdiction of the state in which the accident occurred.
- Bacterial infection. This exclusion does not apply to you when the bacterial infection is due directly to an accidental cut or wound.
- War (declared or undeclared) or any act of war.
No benefit will be payable for any loss suffered as a result of accidental injury during any period of incarceration.